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Year 2 Archive: 2017-2018

A very warm welcome to the Year 2 class page!


Year 2 staff team


Class Teachers: Mrs Clee, Mrs Bates and Mrs Stephens

Teaching Assistants:  Mrs Mundy, Mrs Denton and Mrs Gomez

Inclusion Team Teaching Assistants: Miss O'Brien, Miss Martin, Mr Taylor, Miss King


General Class Information 

Our context for learning overviews


We teach through half term or termly contexts for learning and will keep you updated on what exciting experiences we have got planned each week. Please see below for an overview of our context for learning which will give you an idea of what exciting experiences the children may have during the context. 

Weekly learning experiences


Please check this section regularly to see what learning experiences are being offered to the children each week. 

On Tuesday this week, the whole school was able to come together and take part in a fantastic 'cultural day'. We moved around the school participating in a range of activities, including henna, rangoli patterns, making flags, listening to national anthems, traditional stories and dress, food preparation and tasting, dance and learning a song. Special thanks to Mrs Stephens and the parent volunteers (without whom none of this would have been possible). These lovely people gave up their own time to plan, prepare and deliver these  amazing activities.


In math we enjoyed a carousel of activities, which involved lots of outside learning. The carousel consisted of activities relating to time, measure, direction and sorting.


As part of GGR this week the children completed reading assessments in preparation for next year as well as continuing to read and complete follow up tasks relating to their text. Some groups enjoyed acting out a play, others designed aeroplanes, some focused on postcards and others on drums from around the world.


In welsh this week we have been writing a conversational play script, using the language patterns that we have been learning throughout the year.


We have also been listening to and starting to write our own 'Dinosaur raps' which we will be recording and adding backing tracks to, using the 'garage band' app.


Finally, we have created our own short films about dinosaurs, using the i-movie app. The children have been taking photos, adding text, selecting background music and doing voice overs.








Our new context for the last term of year 2.

RNLI lifeboat round

Still image for this video
Have a listen to our lifeboat song that the children helped to write.

Troll Hotseat

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Hot seating the Troll from the Billy Goats Gruff


Still image for this video

Dates for your diary!


Techniquest trip-Wed 11-10-17

Ways to help at home


  • Make sure your child reads some of the books on bug club each week.
  • Make sure your child completes the maths games on abacus each week.
  • Choose a bingo activity from your child's homework book.
  • Visit the library and read new books. Try to read some factual books and ask your child questions about what they have read. 
  • Practise counting backwards from 100-1 and backwards from different starting points. 
  • Practise doubles up to 40.
  • Practise number bonds to 10, 20 and 100.
  • Practise months of the year, days of the week and seasons (and how to write them). 
  • Begin to practise telling the time-o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.
  • Talk to your child about everything you do with them and ask them lots of questions!
  • Have fun together.



Photos will be added regularly to this section of the website.

Please keep checking to see what the children have been up to.
