This week our activities, inputs and focus tasks will be based on preparing for St. Davids Day and the Eisteddfod for the week we return after Half Term.
The focus task will be within the creative area and will include every child making an observational drawing of daffodils. They will have real and artist impressions of a daffodil to follow. Other creative continuos activities will include; decorating love spoons, making flags, welsh cakes with Welsh coloured play dough and castle junk models.
Within Literacy and Language, the children will practice reciting 'We Welais Jac a do" piece., a singing piece and write a poem which then will be judged for the Eisteddfod competition.
In the outdoor area there will be tag rugby and pancake races! We will also be making pancakes during our cookery sessions. Yum!
We now have carpet inputs for the children during the school day, which we will continue. These include; Phonics Sessions, Literacy, Clic (Maths) and Welsh. During the week, Music, I.T, Cookery sessions will continue, along with P.E, library and reading. Gardening will resume after Half Term. The teachers have also started Guided Group Reading and during this afternoon, the children also get to experience other activities within areas of learning, such as I Pads, writing, Dough Disco, puzzles, and listening to a story on a rota (Carousel) basis.
Its been a busy half term and the children and teachers have enjoyed this topic very much.