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Autumn Songs

Here are some of our topic related counting songs and rhymes...why not ask your child to sing them to you at home?


One potato

One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes four,

five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes more,

Eight potatoes, nine potatoes, ten potatoes too,

mash them up or put them in a stew! 


Shiny conkers

10 shiny conkers on the conker tree,

Beautiful and brown don't you all agree,

Along came the wind  and down one fell,

a squirrel came to find it in its green spikey shell! 


5 round pumpkins

5 round pumpkins sitting on the wall

5 round pumpkins sitting on the wall

And if one round pumpkin was to accidentally fall

There would be 4 round pumpkins sitting on the wall! 
