Our focus this week in literacy has been on persuasive writing. In relation to our half term topic The Blue Abyss, we have been looking at the impact of plastic pollution on our seas and the affect this has on sea creatures. We started by reading a fact pack about plastic pollution, paying particular attention to the persuasive language and the facts and figures used. The children then created their own sentences using persuasive sentence starters and combining them with interesting facts. These sentences were then used to write their own persuasive letters to various audiences to try and convince them about the enormity of the problem and what could be done to help save the planet, before it is too late!
In numeracy our focus has been time. We have been looking at both digital and analogue clocks and how these relate to each other. We have been paying particular attention to the minutes past the hour as this is how the time is shown on the digital clock. We have re-capped the hour and minute hands and have been discussing how as the minute hand reaches the next number on the analogue clock face another five minutes has gone by and how counting in fives can help us to work out the time.
Topic work this week for Dosbarth Maes has included geography. The children have been researching and selecting relevant information about the Great Barrier Reef.
PE - Continues to focus on tag rugby. The children are working on improving passing and catching techniques and using different techniques to dodge opponents.
Art - The children have been writing a short review, evaluating the work of Anthony Gormley's sculptures:Another Place. They have been discussing ideas, offering opinions, saying what they like/dislike and examining why he used particular materials and designs.
Music - This week the focus has been on practicing the song for the Harvest assembly. It was great to see so many family members come along to the harvest festival and support the children. Thank you to all of you that were able to make it.
Dosbarth Dolydd have completed their first week of swimming lessons. It has been fantastic to see the children making progress and growing in confidence. They will be completing the topic work above once the classes swap over and Dosbarth Maes have their turn to go swimming.