Week Beginning 22nd October
Wow, the last week of this half term! We have loved getting to know the children in Reception and have enjoyed their learning journey so far.
This week we are continuing with the story 'The Way Back Home' as the children had so many ideas we wanted to explore.
Our literacy task therefore will involve creating their own junk model of a plane, rocket or spaceship and then explain the process and materials they use.
For the Numeracy task, we will be looking at identifying missing numbers within a number line. This will be enhanced with beaded strings and a 100 square.
For our other task, we will asking the children to combine numbers and write their sum.
Week Beginning 14th October
Our story this week is 'The Way Back Home'. This an exciting week as the children have lots of fantastic ideas about space and travel. We will be creating a moon tough spot to enjoy in our small world, construction and role play areas and will be setting up our discovery area to explore and experiment.
In Literacy, we will be focussing on forming the letters 's,a,t,i,p,n' and using these to spell a CVC word.
We will also be using an amazing app where the children become astranauts themselves and will record themselves talking about the story.
In Numeracy we will be looking at understanding positional language.
Week Beginning 7th October
The children loved writing and creating pieces from 'The Colour Monster' last week, it was a joy to be part of their learning.
This week, the children have come up with ideas related to the story 'The Rainbow Fish which we shared. We will be creating our own rainbow fish, turning our role play into an aquarium, build boats outside to test floating and sinking, practice our Welsh colours and fine motor skills with rainbow weaving.
For our Literacy task, we have an exciting green screen where the children can express what means the most to them while under the sea! They will then write about it.
For our Maths, the children will be asked to listen to the number of claps and then match to the numeral.
Week Beginning 30th September
This week we are looking at the story 'The Colour Monster'. Pupil voice again sparked some wonderful creative ideas with paint (colour mixing), play dough and writing letters to him.
For our literacy focus, we will be looking at emotions by recognising the different colours and their related emotions from the story by choosing one of the feelings and drawing/writing about it.
Our other task will then focus on oracy by expressing and communicating their chosen emotion.
Within Numeracy we will be understanding number of beats by clapping the syllables in our names. This will be enhanced with pattern threading.
Week Beginning 23rd September
This Week we are looking at the story 'Lost and Found'
Last week in pupil voice the classes came up with some brilliant ideas on how to enhance our classroom to support their learning of the story. We have turned our role play into a boat, made snow and played in a South Pole tough spot.
This week our math focus is on counting. We had a treasure map and spent time outdoors hunting penguins to count.
In Literacy, Mr Penguin left his suitcase in the South Pole, we have been helping him by writing a lost of everything we saw in his suitcase.
Week Beginning 16th September
This Week we have learnt all about how we can be friends. We had a special message from our class bear, and we spent the week talking about our friends in the classroom. In Reception we are becoming writing wizards, We spent the week making wizard hats and wands to help us practise our writing.
In math's we learnt about 2D shapes and how to create a repeated pattern.