Welcome back. This week we have been finishing off our topic on Splendid Skies before starting our new topic next week Wriggle and crawl.
In math this week we have been focusing on money. We have been working on recognising, ordering and sorting coins by different criteria. We have also enjoyed playing money bingo and going on a coin hunt.
Our literacy work has been focused on writing instructions about how to make a windmill. Using our talk 4 write process we learnt the instructions with actions, drew a story map of the instructions then innovated them by adding in additional information. We then wrote out the instructions using numbers/ordering words to help us and made sure to include bossy words.
In topic this week we have been using the instructions we wrote in literacy to actually make the windmills. Using paper, glue, split pins, straws and scissors we worked together to follow the instructions and ended up with some fantastic results.
Through our enhanced provision the children have had the chance to create their own shape picture, write a weather story, create sun and wind puppet masks, blow colored pompoms to the corresponding colour, build houses using the straws and write about what they learnt in the previous term.
Just a quick reminder that next Friday 14th June is Grown up in schools day and Year 1 are happy to welcome any parents that would like to join us between 2-3pm. Hope to see you then.