This week, all activities will be on Google Classrooms.
There will be a daily Math's and Literacy task plus a Context/Topic activity for children to complete during the week.
Activities will go live on Google Classrooms each day at 9am.
Monday 8th February
Task 1 - Literacy (Story Writing)
Task 2 - Math's (Number Bonds)
Tuesday 9th February
Task 1 - Literacy (Story Writing)
Task 2 - Math's (Rounding)
Wednesday 10th February
Task 1 - Literacy (Story Writing)
Task 2 - Math's (Mental Subtraction)
Thursday 11th February
Task 1 - Literacy (Story Writing)
Task 2 - Math's (Subtracting Money)
Friday 12th February
Task 1 - Literacy (Comprehension Work)
Task 2 - Math's (Subtracting Money)
Context Activity
Task - We would like you to create a Valentine's Day Sensory Bottle. A Sensory Bottle is used to help us relax and calm down!
Use the step-by-step guide we have uploaded on Google Classroom.
Don't worry if you don't have all the items, be creative and use what is available to you!
Well-being Activity
Follow the guides to create some gifts to give to your family on Valentine's day.
You could make:
A Valentine's Card
A Valentine's Wreath
A Valentine's Heart Mobile
Or you could complete some Valentine's Mindfulness Colouring!