Our focus in math this week has been on place value. In our groups we have been completing a range of different tasks relating to this. Using two digit numbers we have been looking at 10s and 1s and thinking about how the place of the digit affects it's value. Some of our activities have involved using 10p and 1p coins to support, while others have involved use of 100 square, place value cards and bead strings.
In literacy this week we have been thinking about the story of Palm Sunday. At the beginning of the week we drew story maps to help us order and retell the story. Following on from this we then wrote the story of Palm Sunday, using the story maps to guide and support. We talked about ensuring we had a beginning, middle and end to the story as well as using punctuation and extending sentences where possible.
Our topic work this week has involved a range of activities, including comparing our art work (completed previously) to the work of an artist. Using the 'double bubble' method we looked closely at both pieces of art, looking for similarities and differences between them. We also enjoyed making Easter cards, which the children were very proud of and had a lot of fun making. Finally we planted our own sunflower seeds, to celebrate the idea of new life. Each child planted their seed and now has the challenge of looking after it at home to see if they can get it to grow. If there are any successful outcomes over the coming weeks we would be delighted if you could take some photos for us and bring them into school.
Throughout the week we have also been completing reading comprehensions and math assessments in order to continue to track progress and ensure children are working at the correct levels.
On Wednesday we held an Easter bonnet competition, arranged by FoPPS. What an amazing display and thank you to all who took part. It was a very tricky decision for the grown ups to judge. Throughout the week I know many families have also taken part in the Easter hunt after school. This was also arranged and run by FoPPS so a huge thank you to them for all that they do.
On Friday we enjoyed a pyjama party in the afternoon, with films and snacks. All the children were very excited!!
Hope you all have a fantastic Easter and enjoy the time off.