Our initial focus this week in literacy was on using capital letters and full stops correctly within our writing. We then moved on to creating a fantasy narrative, in the role of a piece of food. Imagining themselves as a piece of food, the children described their journey through the digestive system. We paid close attention to punctuation, sentence starters, connectives and working towards individual targets.
In numeracy this week we initially continued our work on capacity and completed activities involving ml/l. Our focus then changed to rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, and 1000.
Our topic work continues to be science based and this week was focused on digestion. We started by labelling a picture of the digestive system with the organs involved and then wrote about the role they play within the digestive process. We also carried out an experiment, using bananas to find out the affect that saliva has on the food we eat.
We are also continuing to learn the songs and practise lines for our Christmas concert.