Our maths focus this week in Year 2 is place value, looking at hundreds, tens and units and recognising and understanding that where the number is placed affects it's value.
In literacy our focus remains on suffixes, creating fortune tellers with different word endings and playing a board game focusing on 'ing'.
In GGR as well as continuing to read, different groups have been creating a glossary, creating charts to show information, drawing and labelling diagrams and writing explanations and instructions.
This week in welsh we have been reading books, translating them and ensuring recognition and understanding of frequently used familiar words - hoffi, wneud, mynd, bwyta etc.
The main focus of our carousel for this week is to perform a play, using the playscript of Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson. The children are taking on different roles and then acting it out in front of an audience, using prompts they have made, such as masks, to add to the experience.
We are also making salt dough fossils. The children are following a recipe to make the dough, then selecting dinosaurs to press into the dough and remove, creating an impression. The fossils are then baked in the oven so they can dry out and go hard. We then hope to paint and varnish the fossils in the coming weeks.
In addition, we have been creating Lego model dinosaurs, adding texture to our junk model dinosaurs using sponges, creating dinosaur skeletons using pasta, making fortune tellers for 3x tables as well as continuing with our handwriting practise.