Week starting: 8/01/2018.
We hope the children and your families had a wonderful holiday and are excited to return to school.
This Spring term we will be basing our activities around the topic 'Why don't snakes have legs?'
We will be exploring this question and others in this project about reptiles, their characteristics and habitats, such as how to care for reptiles, reptile patterns and camouflage, body parts and special features, food chains and how reptiles reproduce.
Areas covered and the early learning goals:
Communication and language - listening and attention, understanding and speaking.
Physical development - moving and handling.
Personal, social and emotional development - self-confidence, self-awareness, managing felling and behaviour and making relationships.
Literacy - reading and writing.
Mathematics - numbers, shape, space and measures.
Understanding the world - the world; technology.
Expressive arts and design - being imaginative, exploring and using media and materials.
Don't forget its an Inset day on Friday 12th January, therefore no school for the children.