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Week Beginning 30th January 2017

Week Beginning 30th January 2017


Image result for going on a plane


Last week we read the story 'Going on a Plane'.  We were then very lucky to have a 'plane experience' (photos to follow!), after turning our hall into an aeroplane.  A real air stewardess came to check us in, x-raying our luggage and stamping our passports and boarding passes.  We watched a take-off video and had snack served to us 'in the air'.  Our teachers served us!  We then watched a landing video.  Afterwards, we had chance to ask the air stewardess lots of questions, such as 'Where do you go when the plane takes

off?' (to a special seat) and 'Where is the best place you have travelled to?' (Spain!)


The next day Max's (from Nursery) Dad came to talk to us.  He is a aeroplane engineer and talked to us about how planes work.  We were very interested in his photos of the flight deck and jet engines.  Again, we asked him lots of questions which you will find alongside the photos.


We will continue to focus on aeroplanes this week - we have had so many ideas!  We will be making paper aeroplanes following instructions, then we'll have flying races.  We will find out who's has gone the furthest by measuring - with our feet, or blocks, or metre sticks.  We will also have the continued opportunity to do junk modelling in the creative area - we are getting so good at this now!


We have added runways and helipads to our ramps in the construction area, and we will continue to explore these.  In our outside construction area we have added more crates and ramps, different sized wheels, and real tools.  We are getting really good at making creative and imaginative vehicles!  I wonder if we will see any aeroplanes this week?


Last week we started 'challenges' - one maths and one literacy task a week that we must try to finish completely by ourselves.  Last week the superheroes and princesses had lost their numbers and we had to find them.  We were also writing sentences about buses.  This week we have to help the superheros and princesses write their numbers.  We will also be given post-its so that we can write sticky labels - maybe labelling a bike, or things around the classroom, or even ourselves!


We have been looking at number sentences in Maths - writing adding and taking away sums.  We will continue taking away in our focus tasks this week.  We are also continuing practising our number pairs to 10, and doubles facts.  Please see the songs page for things you can try at home.


Number pairs to 10.


0+10 = 10

1+9 = 10

2+8 = 10

3+7 = 10

4+6 = 10

5+5 = 10

6+4 = 10

7+3 = 10

8+2 = 10

9+1 = 10

10+0 = 10


Double facts


1+1 = 2

2+2 = 4

3+3 = 6

4+4 = 8

5+5 = 10

6+6 = 12

7+7 = 14

8+8 = 16

9+9 = 18

10+10 = 20


In Literacy we will be retelling familiar stories, by drawing and writing from left to right on a story map.
