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Week beginning 25/3/19

For the majority of this week our math focus has been time. One of our activities involved playing a pairs game, matching analogue times with digital times. The other activity involved playing 'What's the time Mr Wolf' in welsh and making the o'clock times on the analogue clocks. We ended the week with a math carousel focused around measuring. We used cubes to measure our feet, trundle wheels to measure parts of the playground and also compared different length ladders.


In literacy we started the week by finishing off our animal illustrations to accompany our poems. We then labelled the different parts of the animals that we had made reference to in the poem and wrote the relevant sentences. The second part of the week focused on writing an interview in welsh, working with a partner and asking/answering familiar welsh questions.


Our topic work this week involved comparing the characteristics of different everyday heroes. We looked at what characteristics were the same and which were different and recorded results in a table.


The enhanced provision has provided opportunities to create 'doubles' butterflies, draw the life cycle of a chick, write chick stories, make puppets of chicks, make chicks using playdough and feathers, play the role of a vet and various mother's day related activities.


On Friday afternoon we opened the classrooms up to the parents and were delighted that so many of you were able to join us. Thanks to the beautiful weather you were able to enjoy activities both inside and outside the classroom with your children. It is always lovely to have the opportunity to welcome you into the classroom to spend time with your child and we look forward to future opportunities to do so.
