Over the next half term we have lots of lovely exciting experiences based on Dinosaurs and then we will study the life cycles of chicks, frogs and butterflies.
On Monday, we will be welcoming our chick eggs which will generate lots of discussion and excitement.
One of the focus tasks this week will involve the children estimating how many of their shoes fit inside different dinosaur footprints. This then will be enhanced with a measuring activity within the Maths Area using unifix blocks to measure the different dinosaurs. On continuous provision there will be opportunities for the children to make dinosaur shape pictures.
The children will begin investigating materials this week. They will be challenged to find a material that will protect their egg and prevent it from cracking, when dropped from a height. The children will experiment with wrapping eggs in different materials and then dropping them from a height to see how much they crack, or if they crack at all!
Our mini focus will explore eggs and chicks. Once the eggs arrive, the children will work alongside the adults to generate a mind map, documenting what they already know about eggs, and what they would like to find out. Within the writing area the children will also use fact books about chicks to learn lots of new information, and also to write their own.
Shh! Don't tell the children - there are hidden bones in the outdoor area. The idea, to find the bones and recreate a giant dinosaur skeleton!The children will then get to create their own bones by using saltdoh.
Also in the outdoor provision, the children will be provided with fossil moulds, buckets and brushes so they can become Archaeologists. The children will get to go on an egg hunt to collect numbers, order and write them. There will be lots of eggciting games, such as, egg and spoon race and racing with the egg in-between the children's legs to drop in the nest!
Within the creative area there will be opportunities to make pasta and dinosaur skeleton pictures using black paper and cotton buds, and mark making with feathers.
Our daily carpet sessions include; Phonics, Literacy, CLIC (Maths) and Welsh. During the week the children will also have opportunities to participate in Music, I.T, Cookery, Gardening, PE and Library sessions. Once a week we run a carousel whereby the children all engage with Guided Group Reading and also experience other activities including Dough Disco and Digit Dancing, a variety of activities to develop their fine and gross motor skills, story time and Write Dance.
During our cooking sessions this week, the children will have the opportunity to make a fritata and in gardening, they will plant potatoes and other vegetables.