Our context for learning this half term is " How does that building stay up?"
Week Beginning 27th March 2017
The children are so very excited at the prospect of looking after the ducklings. They have watched them intently for a number of days and became very excited at the prospect of them hatching. Over the weekend, three ducklings hatched. The children will be invited to name the ducklings, and we will have a vote to decide on the names.
Many of the children remain very interested in Fairies, and this week the children will collaboratively to build 'Fairy Homes'. They will be offered collections of natural materials, joining materials and images of fairy homes as a stimulus for their own creations.
The ducklings will feature a lot in our work and play this week. The children will have many opportunities to handle the ducklings and study them in great detail. So many children have asked questions about the ducklings, and the adults in Reception will help the children find out the answers to their questions, using the internet as a source of information. The children will learn and practise word processing skills, and use the keyboard to type sentences about ducklings and or chicks. Ask your children to show you how to use 'Caps Lock' and the 'Space Bar'.
Wherever the children are using numbers in their work and play we will be continuing to reinforce correct formation and orientation. It would be wonderful if you could continue to practise number formation at home too. We have rhymes that help us to learn the correct formation of each numeral.