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Number Rhymes

Here are some of our counting songs and rhymes that you may enjoy singing with your child.


1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive


1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive,

6,7,8,9,10 then I let him go again.

Why did you let him go?

Because he bit my finger so,

Which finger did he bite?

This little finger on my right!



5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer


5 little men in a flying saucer flew around the world one day,

They looked left and right but they didn’t like the sight,

So one man flew away,


(Repeat for 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)



5 Little Speckled Frogs


5 little speckled frogs,

Sat on a speckled log,

Eating the most delicious grubs,

Yum Yum!

1 jumped in to the pool,

Where it was nice and cool,

Then there were 4 speckled frogs,

Glub glub!

(Repeat for 4,3,2,1 little speckled frogs)



5 Currant Buns


5 currant buns in a baker’s shop,

Round and fat with a cherry on the top,

Along came a boy with a penny one day,

Bought a currant bun and took it away!

(Repeat for 4,3,2,1 currant buns)



5 Little Ducks


5 little ducks went swimming one day,

Over the hills and far away,

Mummy duck said “Quack Quack Quack Quack”,

But only 4 little ducks came swimming back!

(Repeat for 4, 3, 2, 1 little ducks)



5 Little Monkeys


5 little monkeys jumping on the bed,

1 fell off and bumped his head,

Mummy rang the doctor and the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

(Repeat for 4,3,2,1 little monkeys)



10 Green Bottles


10 green bottles sitting on the wall,

10 green bottles sitting on the wall,

And if 1 green bottle was to accidentally fall,

There would be 9 green bottles,

Sitting on the wall.

(Repeat for 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 green bottles)








