The children came to nursery dressed up beautifully in "spotacular" outfits and super hero costumes.
A huge thank you to all of our parents for making such an effort.
There were lots of Pudsey bear activities going on in Nursery throughout the day.
One activity was a colouring competition with the prize for the best colouring donated by Lloyds bank.
It was a very difficult decision but finally the Nursery team were able to pick a winner!
There were also prizes for the children with the best outfit. Again it was a very very difficult decision.
Other activities included making collage pudseys, painting pudseys and modelling Pudsey Bears in the play doh. Outdoors the children went on a Pudsey hunt and practised their counting skills and there was Pudsey threading on offer too.
Lots of money was raised for Children In Need and we thank everybody who made the day lots of fun for the children.
We will let you know how much was raised as soon as we have counted it all.