This term in Year 3, our new topic is 'Tribe', a exciting and insightful look into the history of Wales and it's people.
We will exploring areas such as Celtic villages and buildings, Bog Bodies, Druids and beliefs, Boudicca and Roman soldiers as well as archaeology through various subject mediums. We will be focusing on Setting descriptions, lists (arguments), scripts and poems.
Over the next few weeks, please can you collect and send in as much cardboard as you possibly can. We will be creating Celtic shields out of cardboard and decorating them for a display. In DT, we will be looking at Celtic jewellery and will aim to crete a small piece of jewellery out of clay.
Our science topic this term is Rocks, looking at fossils, soil and rock types.
We have a really exciting ICT project planned: Film Fever Movie Trailers. The children will plan and write a script for a movie trailer. Using iMovie, they will then direct and star in their own production before we then have an Oscars ceremony!
Over the course of this term, our Maths lessons will focus on: Number and place value, partitioning though additions, times tables, Fractions, ratio and proportion, angles and properties of shapes and column addition.
PE - Please can all pupils bring in PE kits for this term. It is important that pupils are wearing the suitable clothing for comfort and safety reasons. Our topic this term for
PE is dance.