Croeso i blwyddyn meithrinfa!
A very warm welcome to the nursery class page!
Nursery Teacher:
Mrs Stephens
Our context for learning.
Our new context for learning is ' Changes/ Transitions'.
We are all changing, growing up and moving forward in lives.
This term we will learn about how caterpilars make their amazing transition from a tiny egg into a beautiful butterfly as many of us prepare to fly off to 'big school'.
Throughout this topic we will observe and make predictions as to what might happen when we care for tiny caterpillar eggs.. We will explore a range of fiction and non-fiction books from a range of authors. Our book in focus will be
'The Very Hungry caterpillar' by Eric Carle.
We will learn about habitats, care for our growing caterpillars and eventually let them fly free.
Important Dates
Wednesday 30th June -Nursery Sports Day
Friday 9th July - Transition Day -Visiting Reception Class
Friday 9th July - Lunchtime visit (September Pontprennau Reception Starters)
W/C 12th July -Graduation Week
You have been allocated a session to attend. Please congregate at the Community Entrance at the front of the building where you will complete Covid Track and Trace paperwork prior to entering the building.
Bring a tissue!
Wednesday 14th July - Lunchtime Visit
For those pupils joining Reception Class at Pontprennau Primary in September 2021
Many Thanks
Nursery Team