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Ways you can help at home

Ways you can help at home


There are so many ways that you can support your child's learning at home. 

Here are just a few ideas of things you can do.


  • Encourage your child to practise writing their name. Use lower case letters and encourage a good tripod pencil grip. Encourage your child to write the letters in their name with correct formation and orientation. Make it fun for your child by writing their name in different mediums. Why not try it in chalk on your driveway or in shaving foam on the mirror?
  • Encourage your child to tell you about the letter sounds they have been learning in school. Allow them to teach you the song to go with each sound. Play eye spy using the sound of the day. Practise forming the letter sounds with correct formation and orientation. If your child can recognise all of their sounds and can form the letters then encourage them to refine the size of their letter formation. 
  • Read with your child as often as possible. Read stories with enthusiasm and expression and encourage your child to join in with the repetition in the books. See if your child can spot any letter sounds they know or even any words they  know. Visit the library as often as you can and read a variety of books, fiction, non fiction, picture books and comics. 
  • Use the key words resource pack sent home to play key word games with your child. Hide the words and go on a word hunt or have a game of match. 
  • Sing counting songs as often as possible! Ask your child to teach you some new ones they have learnt in school. Spot numbers out and about in the environment on signs, car number plates and  on the roads. 
  • Help your child to form their numbers correctly. Encourage your child to start writing their numbers with correct formation and orientation. There are some lovely apps available on the ipad. Have a look at the "useful info" section below to see some of the ones we use in class which the children really enjoy.
  • Help develop your child's fine motor control by making play doh with them and allow them to manipulate it in to all sorts of creations. Why not follow the link below to have a go at the dought disco?

