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Week beginning 14/10/19

In literacy this week we started by completing our newspaper reports from last week. We then moved on to writing a script for a vlog. After researching facts about different marine creatures, the children then wrote a script - using the facts and informal language. The children will then be using to scripts to record each other making a vlog.


This week in numeracy Dosbarth Dolydd have been focused on measuring. They have been measuring each other, their hands and a range of objects, using both rulers and measuring tapes. The focus has been on cm and mm, understanding the relationship between them and recording using decimal notation. Dosbarth Maes have been learning about equivalent fractions.


Through the topic work this week Dobarth Dolydd have been completing work that Dosbarth Maes completed previously. The work has included Art - Evaluating the work of another artist (Anthony Gormley's sculptures: Another place).


Science - Making model submarines, using straws, blu-tack and plastic bottles.


P.E - Tag rugby. Passing the ball accurately and receiving the ball safely. 


Welsh - Writing a conversation about camping.


Well done to Dosbarth Maes for completing their first week of swimming. All the children are doing a fantastic job and growing in confidence each day.
