Weekly Learning Experiences
Please check this section regularly to see what learning experiences are being offered to the children each week.
'Why do you love me so much?'
Week Beginning 21st November 2016
The story 'Where's My Teddy' by Jez Alborough will be the stimulus for the next fortnight. The children were presented with the story during 'Pupil Voice' and thought of many wonderful ideas. Much of the discussion centred around teddies, and the children were eager to bring in their own teddy bears to school. Suggestions from the children included building bears out of lego and duplo, and moulding dough to create models of teddies. In the Small World Area the children will be presented with natural materials and material to create a forest scene, much like the setting in the story. They will be encouraged to retell the story and make up their own stories using the collection of teddy bears available to them. Many of the children recalled another story about bears and were eager to reenact the story of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. The book and resources from the story will be available for the children to use in their exploration and retelling of the story. The children excitedly planned creative tasks linked to the story. They will be offered opportunities to create bear headbands and bear masks in the Creative Area.
Feelings and emotions will continue to feature heavily in our discussions and the children will reflect on times when they have felt sad, happy and or mad. They will be challenged to draw pictures to illustrate different feelings and write about them. The children will continue to create large scale number lines in the outdoor environment, using chalk and natural materials. After reading the story stimulus, the children suggested painting teddy bears. So this week they will all be invited to explore with watercolours and paint a picture of a teddy bear.
Preparations have begun for out Christmas Concert and you will receive details this week regarding costumes and parts.