Dear Parents
In Year 2 this week we have been learning about the number before, the number after and numbers in between. We have looked for patterns in the hundred square and counted in 2s, 5s and 10s. Please practise this with your children at home.
We have written using full stops and capital letters and practised where these belong.
We are currently finishing reading assessments and will give out reading books next week. There are plenty of bug club. books for your child to read in the meantime.
We have also allocated a reading comprehension for you to share with your child on Hwb for home learning. You will need to log into Hwb then look in files for the shared files section. The reading comprehension is about zoos. There are questions your child can answer. Remember to use the edit button to enable you to write onto the document. When you save it the teachers can have a look at what the children have done and leave feedback. If your chid is unable to read the text then read it with them or for them. They may still be able to answer the questions and show you they have understood.
Thank you for sending children in wearing PE kit on Thursday-same again this week please.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year Two team.