Mathematical Development
We have started to learn about money in Reception this week. All the classes in school participated in an activity with employees from TSB bank. In class we have been sorting and counting with 1p and 2p coins. This can be supported at home by giving your chid a handful of change to sort and investigate. Start with 1p and 2p coins and gradually introduce higher denominations.
We have been forming sentences about objects of different colours and made group posters.
Christmas Concert
We began to practice our concert this week. The children have provided lots of input as we have developed it together. Everyone has received a letter with the costume required for their child. If you have any questions or queries, please ask. We ask that all costumes be returned to school in a named bag by Thursday 6th December.
We are reading regularly with the children each week. Please ensure that your child brings their book bag to school every day, containing their yellow reading log and school reading materials. We cannot change books if these are not returned and in school. Library books can be kept at home and returned on Wednesday morning.
Trip to Greenmeadow Farm
We are looking forward to our trip on Tuesday. Please ensure your child is suitably dressed for the weather. School uniform should be worn.