Week beginning 18th February 2109
This week we will be going on a litter pick around the school and writing acrostic poems based on the word LITTER.
In art pupils will be finishing our modroc sculptures of fruit and vegetables, painting them and adding detail.
End of term maths assessments will also be taking place.
Our resident artist Jo has been very busy in the entrance to our school creating our wonderful mural with the children, we can't wait to see the finished piece!
On Friday we will be involved in a whole day of welsh activities to celebrate St. Davids day. There will be art and craft, storytelling, singing and welsh folk dancing. Remember to wear your welsh costumes!
Week beginning 11th Februaury 2019
This week we are continuing with our fantastic science investigations!
We will be investigating the different weights of liquids and finding out which liquids float on top.
In welsh, ICT and oracy will be using the green screen to make a welsh weather forecast. We also have a welsh phrase of the week - this week's it is the year group of your child, ours is Blwyddyn Dau which means Year 2.
The children started Kerbcraft this week which they really enjoyed. Thank you to the volunteers who came to help the children learn about road safety.
For maths this week we are continuing to look at the properties of 3D shapes.
In literacy we are going to be learning how to use speech marks and reading poetry.
Week beginning 4th February 2019
This week is Internet safety Week. The theme this year is 'Consent in an Online World'.
Throughout the week pupils will have the opportunity to:
During their enhanced provision pupils can make bookmarks, listen to online stories and songs about internet safety and create some rules about how we should use the internet in school and at home.
They will also continue to learn the song 'I Wanna be in a Band' and will play the glockenspiels this week.