Welcome to Reception Class 2
Staff Information
Class Teacher: Miss Peate
Reception General Teaching Assistants:
(shared between both Reception classes)
Mrs A Powell
Mrs L Gale
Mrs R Giles
Miss Evans
Reception Inclusion Team
(shared between both Reception classes)
Miss K Lawson
Miss O Thomas-Rosser
Miss K Williams
General Class Information
Finding the Pulse
Each morning we start our day by 'finding the pulse'. This gets our bodies warmed up for learning, helps us practise finding the beat in a song, and gives us a chance to have a little dance!
The video below shows how to find the pulse in a song. We listen to all genres of music - please check back regularly to see what we have listened to recently. If you have any suggestions for a favourite song with a good beat, just let us know!
Our Context for Learning Overview
We will be teaching through half termly or termly contexts for learning and will keep you updated on what exciting experiences we have got planned each week.
Please also see below for an overview of our context for learning which will give you an idea of what other exciting experiences the children may have during the context.
Please check this section regularly to see what learning experiences are being offered to the children each week.
W/C - 25th September
Now all the Reception are in for this week and hopefully settled into their new routine we can start our topic which is "Why do leaves go crispy".Each week or fortnight the children will get to decide (through a circle time session - 'Pupil Voice') what they want in the different areas of the classroom and outdoors from a book. This week the book we are basing the activities on is: 'The Leaf Man" by Lois Ehlert.
Its a perfect book to base our focus task on, which will be going on a leaf hunt so the children can make their own leaf man pictures to laminate.
Within our continuous provision there will be lots of lovely areas set up for the children to explore. In the investigation area, the children can use the magnifying glasses to look carefully at different Autumn objects, such as pine cones, leaves, conkers etc. Within creative play the children can create theses objects out of Cinnamon play dough using sticks and stones to roll and cut. The children will be able to copy large pictures of Autumn scenes by mixing their own paint to create their own version and use the leaves to do rubbings with chalks and wax crayons and will have opportunities to draw and write their experiences on the writing table.
Within Maths, we will be using Baseline Assessment to do some lovely counting of our collected Autumn objects to get an idea of the children's number recognition and accurate counting. Within cooking sessions the children will get to make leaf biscuits.
Within our outdoor area, the children will continue to explore making dens and dressing up as policemen and women in our role play houses, riding trikes, making sandcastles and pretending to be pirates in the sandpit and having leaf races in the water trays.
Also, you may not believe it but its time for the children to design their own Christmas picture in the class to be sent off ready for purchase by family. So if your children mention Santa - we're sorry!
Lastly, the staff would like to say a huge thank you to the children/parents/carers/grandparents for preparing the children in their transition, they have been superb in settling in and cannot wait to do all the amazing things we have planned during this year.
Ways you can help at home
Photographs will be added regularly to the website.
Please check this section regularly to see what new photos have been added!