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W/C 21st March 2016

W/ C Monday 21st March 2016



Although we waved farewell to the chicks on Friday, our Investigation Area still has tadpoles and caterpillars for the children to observe this week. We are hoping that this week the caterpillars will turn into butterflies before the Easter Holidays.


This week, our provision will be Enhanced with lots of Easter themed activities. From our weekly Pupil Voice sessions, the children suggested activities including, Easter Egg hunts, making Easter cakes, painting Easter eggs and making Easter cards.


This week, we will also be having our Easter Bonnet Parade on Wednesday at 2.30pm and hope to see you there! 


Language & Literacy

The children will continue with their guided reading and phonic sessions and will read one-to-one as part of our termly reading assessments.


Mathematical Development

In our maths sessions we will continue to practise our counting skills including counting backwards from 20. We will be practising number recognition above 10 and sequencing numbers larger than 10. 

We will also be practising counting on from a given number, crossing over through 10. We will keep practising our Learn Its and counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s every day.


 We will also be doing some Easter themed problem solving activities including an Easter Egg hunt to find and match patterned Easter eggs.


Physical Development

The children will have their PE and Games lessons in the hall and will have access to the Outdoor Area.


Creative Development & knowledge and Understanding 

The children will create patterned eggs using potato printing and will be encouraged to explore repeating coloured patterns in the Creative Area. In the Small World Area, the children decided to have a farm scene with chicks and rabbits to play with. The children will also make chocolate nest cakes and be encouraged to follow instructions carefully. The children will also be encouraged to design Easter eggs on using 2Simple software. 


Personal Social Development and Cultural Diversity

As part of snack this week, the children will help to prepare a snack of hot crossed buns. The children will discuss the importance of food hygiene and help to cut, prepare and share the snack.
