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WB 12/04/2021

Monday 12th April

INSET DAY - Parent Consultations


Tuesday 13th April

Task 1 - Literacy (Cold Write)

Task 2 - Maths (Mental addition and subtraction)


Wednesday 14th April

Task 1 - Literacy (Features of a Chronological report)

Task 2 - Maths (Change - mental subtraction)


Thursday 15th April

Task 1 - Literacy (Report research)

Task 2 - Maths (Adding amounts to find change)


Friday 16th April

Task 1 - Literacy (Report research)

Task 2 - Maths (Money Word Problems)


Please access the Power points for these lessons on Google Classrooms.


Context Activity

Task - Context - Design and build a Pyramid; Context - Interview with Howard Carter; Cymraeg - Time questionnaire.
