Following a pupil vote, the winning mini beast this week was caterpillars. Therefore our stimulus for this week has been 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'.
This week in math we have been creating caterpillars using repeated shape patterns, we have then been adding further information such as the name of the shapes and how many sides they have. We have also been creating pictograms about favourite fruits, using information we have collected using a tally chart. The children have also been practising measuring caterpillars using cubes.
In literacy we have been innovating the story of 'The very Hungry Caterpillar' to create our own talk 4 write stories. We continued to follow the process that we are now all familiar with, learning the story with actions, drawing a story map, innovating the map and then writing our new versions of the story.
Our topic work involved creating the life cycle of a butterfly. We started by dividing a paper plate into four sections and then using a range of materials we made each part of the life cycle. We then labelled the different parts using key words. Some groups then extended this by writing about the life cycle and explaining what happens at each stage.
Through our enhanced provision this week the children have had opportunities to retell the story using puppets, make a caterpillar out of paper chains, write a list of food the caterpillar ate, make a cocoon, play caterpillar number ordering games on the ipad, count eggs into the nest with tweezers and make their own butterfly masks/wings.
Unfortunately sports day was cancelled this week due to the weather, however, it has been rearranged for next Wednesday 3rd July. Fingers crossed the weather is kind to us.