Morning Nursery Staff:
Mrs Stephens (Class Teacher)
Miss Davies (Teaching Assistant)
Mr Baughan (Teaching Assistant)
Mrs Gomez (Teaching Assistant)
Miss Evans (Teaching assistant)
Miss Hill (Teaching Assistant)
Mrs Badham (1:1 Support)
Afternoon Nursery Staff:
Mrs Stephens (Class Teacher)
Miss Davies (Teaching Assistant)
Mr Baughan (Teaching Assistant)
Mrs Gomez (Teaching Assistant)
Miss Evans (Teaching Assistant)
Miss Hill (Teaching Assistant)
Mrs Badham (1:1 Support)
Miss King (1:1 Support)
Dates for your diary
Tuesday 16th July - Graduation 10 am and 2pm.
Please bring the children to their usual nursery session, and we will open the doors by the community entrance for you to gain access into the hall. Only children moving to a Reception class or leaving the school will be graduating on this day.
Every Monday P.E- for our P.E sessions we are doing lots of yoga this half term and ask that the children could wear maybe joggers or leggings and easy shoes/trainers/daps to remove and put back on. We would be very grateful if you could practise putting shoes and socks on and off.
We have now finished library, if you find any library books hiding in your homes we would be very grateful for them to be returned as soon as possible. Thank you
Our topic 'How many pebbles on a beach?'
Well I think it is safe to say the children have loved the topic this half term, they have been super busy making wonderful items from the sea, land and air for our display. We have hot air balloons, seagulls, rainbows, bucket and spades, crabs so many things your wonderful children have thought up and created with Mrs Gomez for the display.
We would like to say a huge thankyou for all your support for the trip and sports day, the children were amazing and did us so proud. It was wonderful to be able to share the events with you all and we are grateful for how supportive you are.
We hope you have tissues at the ready for graduation, as i'm sure the staff may need a few.
*As the weather is changing we ask that you ensure your child is protected by the sun with a sunhat (please put a name inside) and they have sun cream on before they attend the session, we are unable to put sun cream on the children and it does get very warm in our outdoor area. Thank you *
Language Literacy and Communication
The children have been practising everyday to write their names on their name cards at the beginning of each session this half term and we are so impressed of the improvements they have all made. Keep up the great work
The children have been working lots on their phonics this have term and are identifying lots of intial sounds for words being with 'a,s,p,t,i,n' they have also been beginning to blend them together to find the hidden word.
The children are drawing and writing about their favourite part of the school trip and visiting the beach. They have all shown fabulous pencil grip and control. Well done everyone!
Mathematical Development
The children have really enjoyed exploring and creating there own patterns, forming some numbers and building with 3d shapes.
We have been singing lots of number songs and rhymes , using our lobsters in the water trays to find the number balls and put them in the correct bucket to help with our number recognition.
Please continue to practise number formation with your child at home these rhymes from ten town may help:
Zero pond- "start at the top, nice and slow, all the way round and there you go".
King One- " Head to toe and there you go".
Tommy Two- " Hands round to knees and straight across please".
Thelma Three- "Over one hand, over the other, put back those tarts and don't take another".
Freddie Four- " Down, across and ore in the water".
Fiona Five- "Down her back, round you go, now arms out straight, don't be slow".
Seal Six- " Slide down his tail, curl under his nose, nearly there so strike a pose".
Sir Seven- " From his helmet to his hips, down to his shoes with the shiny tips".
Eric eight- 'All the way around, don't you stop not until you reach the top.'
Nina Nine bows-' Round her head, back to the top, down to the ground and then you stop.'
Tia Ten - 'First a one and then a zero Tia ten is everyone's hero!'
Physical Development
We loved having soft play out this week in the hall and playing lovely parachute games, as well as having all our lovely outdoor equipment and tracks to follow and encourge our motor skills and co-ordination.
Welsh Development
The children are amazing at leading our daily Helpwr Heddiw sessions. We will be doing lots about weather this half term during our helpwr heddiw sessions.
The children will be sharing welsh books with a partner this week during helpwr heddiw, as well as singing some of our favourite songs and playing our favourite games.
Sut mae'r tywydd? Whats the weather?
Mae'n heulog- It is sunny
Mae'n bwrw glaw - It is raining
Mae'n gymylog - It is cloudy
Mae'n oer - It is cold
Mae'n boeth - It is hot
As well as continuing with :
Pwy wyt ti? Who are you? (Name) ydw i.
Sut wyt ti? How are you? (Hapus, wedi blino, trist, bendigedig)
Dyma (Here is)
Pa Liw? (What colour)
Barod (Ready)
Bore da/ Prynhawn da, hwyl fawr.
Pa liw ydy hwn? What colour is this?
Things to practise at home.
To help your child develop a tri pod pencil grip we have found encouraging them to hold a pompom helps. All you need is to get a small pom pom and place it in your childs preferred hand, then get them to hold the pom pom with their ring and little finger, by doing this it will then help them use their thumb, pointing finger and middle finger to hold the pencil in the desired grip.
Name writing, encouraging your child to have a go at writing their own name, please remember to use lower case letters except for the first letter in their name.
Counting and recognising numbers when you are out and about, counting the amount of apples you need when you are shopping, number licence game when you are in the cars on trips. Little things like this will really help the child while working on things in school and prepares them for moving up to reception.