Monday 14th December
Task 1 - Reading Comprehension
Complete the reading comprehension task on Hwb. Remember, you can choose from the 1, 2, or 3 star level of challenge. Don't forget to check your answers!
Task 2 - Maths
Complete the Maths Mosaics activity on Hwb. You can either print the activity (if you have a printer) or colour in the mosaic on Just2easy.
Tuesday 15th December
Task 1 - Reading Comprehension
Complete the reading comprehension task on Hwb. Remember, you can choose from the 1, 2, or 3 star level of challenge. Don't forget to check your answers!
Task 2 - Google Classrooms
Login to Google Classrooms and complete the Christmas quiz! Good luck!
Wednesday 16th - Friday 18th December
1. Complete the reading comprehension tasks on Hwb.
2. Lend a hand! Surprise your family by doing jobs around the house.
For example: washing the dishes, tidying your room, feeding the cat or wrapping presents.
How many thing scan you do to help over the Christmas break?
3. Play some board games with your family. Maybe you could make your own game to play with them!
If you are new to our school or do not have a Hwb login, then you will need the following resources: