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Nursery Archive: 2015-2016

** New photographs added below! **


Staff Information


Class Teacher: Miss Peate

Teaching Assistants: Mr Boddy, Mrs Gale, Mr Baughan, Miss Evans & Mrs Lucas

General Class Information



The children will be provided with a healthy snack to go with their milk each day.      

There will be a small half termly fee to cover the cost of this. This will be payable through the parent pay system and we will notify you of the arrangements of this as soon as it has all been set up.


School Library Folders

Your child will bring home their library folder each Friday with a new book to share with you at home. These are different to their individual reading books. Please ensure your child brings their school library folder to school every Friday, which will then give them the opportunity to choose a new book.



We will be doing Gymnastics every Thursday this half term.

It would be really helpful if the girls were able to wear socks instead of tights on a Thursday!


Nursery Mascots 

Donatello (AM Nursery) and Elsa (PM Nursery) are our class mascots. Every weekend Donatello and Elsa will visit you and your child. They both have diaries for you to record the wonderful adventures you will have together. You can add photographs to the diaries if you wish. Please look after Donatello and Elsa as they are very special. At the beginning of each week the children will share their diary entires with their friends in Nursery. 




Curriculum Information


Our Context for Learning is 'Who lives in a rock pool?'

 Learning Experiences


We will update this section of the website regularly to inform you of the exciting learning experiences that your children have been involved in. Each half term or term the Contexts for Learning will change. We will document the children's learning throughout each Context for Learning and share photographs and children's work with you regularly on the website.



'Who lives in a rock pool?'



Below is an overview of our Context for Learning.

Each time we start a new CfL we will share with you an overview of some of the exiting learning experiences that your children will be involved in. 

Ways you can help at home


There are so many ways that you can support your child's learning at home.

We will be updating this section of our page regularly.


* Encourage your children to get dressed by themselves and put on their own shoes and socks. Daily we maximise opportunities for your children to develop their self-help skills. We encourage all of the children to put on their own coats. It would be very much appreciated if you could also take the time to teach your children how to do the zip and buttons on their coat. We strive to teach your children independence. 


* Provide opportunities for your children to practise writing their name. Use shaving foam, gel, gloop, paint and chalk. Use paintbrushes and water outside to practise writing letters too! When modelling how to write their name, use lower case letters and encourage correct letter formation.


* The children have been exposed to many letter sounds during the Autumn Term. We introduce the letter sounds in the order they are introduced in Jolly Phonics. The following letter sounds have been introduced; s, a, t, i, p, n, c k and e.  Ask your children to show you the actions to accompany each sound and listen to the songs on YouTube together. Encourage your children to look for objects beginning with the sounds when you are out and about! Please don't hesitate to ask if you would like any more information or ideas about how to help your children learn their letter sounds. 


* Numbers are all around us! Take every opportunity to recognise and talk about numbers in the environment. Encourage your children to look out for numbers; on signposts, on houses, car number plates, on buses, drain covers, postboxes and bus timetables. I wonder where else you might see numbers?  Provide opportunities for your children to read and write numbers. Model the correct formation of each numeral for your child. 




Our Learning Wall



We will regularly add photographs to this section of the website. We really hope that you enjoy sharing in your children's learning experiences.

Useful Information
