This week in math we started the week by recapping how to solve one step problems. These included addition, subtraction, tens/units, noticing patterns, and halves. Later in the week the children completed assessments in order for us to track their progress.
In literacy we have been writing a story about 'A day in the life of a bee.' In relation to our new topic this half term 'Wriggle and crawl' the children voted for which mini beast they would like to learn about this week and bees was the winner. We started by looking at the different jobs a worker bee does on a daily basis and then created a story board about a bee, which included some of these jobs. We then used the story board to write a story about a bee. We looked at extending sentences and expanding ideas we had included on the story board.
Our topic work this week has focused on pollination. Starting with the children wearing sticky gloves they attempted to stick the pollen to the gloves and then transport it. Having experienced pollination in practical terms the children then wrote about and explained what pollination was.
Through the enhanced provision the children have had the opportunity to count bees with tweezers into hives, make bees with bowls, write a bee story/ questions to a bee, make honeycomb by tessellating hexagons, paint bees, investigate mini beasts using magnifying glasses and role play a bee keeper in the investigation station.
On Friday afternoon we opened the doors to parents/ Grandparents and despite the lack of sun this time we were delighted that so many of you were able to join us. The children always enjoy the opportunity to share with you what they are learning, show you their classroom and complete activities alongside you. Thank you for any ideas and suggestions that you made for the rest of the term connected to our topic.