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Year 3 Homework 



 To complete numeracy homework, children need to log on to Active Learn   Abacus using their personal username and password to complete their   online homework. 

Bug Club 

 Books will be allocated on Bug Club also where the children will read and   then answer questions on their book.  



 Each half term we will be learning about a new topic. At the start of   each topic the children will be given a Context grid with several different   activities or tasks about the new topic that the children can complete at   home with the assistance of their family. See how many Context   activities you can do!




 The children are learning and practicing five words a week. The spelling   lists will be stuck in the homework book, so they can practice these     words at home.  




 Please make sure that you bring your reading book and library book back   into school on a Thursday and you will be given a new one on   Thursday/Friday.



 Miss Barry’s class: Dosbarth Nant have PE on a Thursday.

 Mr Veryard’s class: Dosbarth Ffynnon have PE on Mondnay

 Please make sure that you bring in your PE kit!
