In math this week, one of our activities has continued to focus on 3d shapes. We have been sorting them by different criteria - flat/curved faces, roll/slide and less than 3 faces/more than 3 faces. We have also started to look at time. Our focus initially being recognising and ordering days of the week.
This week in literacy we have been writing stories about our super veggies, using the story boards that we created previously. In addition we have been learning about onomatopoeia and creating sound word books with a selection of words that we will then be able to make use of next week when we make our own comic strips.
As this week is internet safety week, our topic work has been based around activities relating to this, looking specifically at the theme of consent.
Through our enhanced provision the children have had the chance to design a vehicle for Supertato, make a magnetic shape picture, write questions to Supertato about his holiday, make 3d shapes, practise threading shapes and fill cylinders with peas using the tweezers.