W/ C Monday 14th March 2016
Our Investigation Area is full of life at the moment with chicks, tadpoles and caterpillars! The caterpillars are continuing to grow and will soon be spinning their cocoons. The children have enjoyed giving the chicks many cuddles and observing them grow over the last few weeks. The chicks will be with us for one more week before making their new home on a farm.
This week, our focus will be the lifecycle of a frog. The children have read the book ‘Growing Frogs’ as part of their Pupil Voice session and have contributed many activities and questions that they would like to explore next week.
Language & Literacy
In our literacy focus task this week, the children will be recording information about the lifecycle of the grog. They will draw or select pictures to show each stage of the lifecycle and begin to write sentences/caption/words/initial sounds to match each stage.
The children will continue with their guided reading and phonic sessions and will have their one-to-one read with an adult.
Mathematical Development
In our maths sessions we will continue to practise our counting skills including counting backwards from 20. We will be practising number recognition above 10 and sequencing numbers larger than 10.
We will also be practising counting on from a given number, crossing over through 10. We will keep practising our Learn Its and counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s every day.
In our maths focus task this week, the children will be hopping like frogs on a large number line to practise their addition skills! Some children will use the iPads to record number sentences too.
Physical Development
The children will have their PE and Games lessons in the hall and will have access to the Outdoor Area. In the outdoor area, the children have decided they would like to play games such as ‘Frog, Frog, Tadpole’ (like ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’ and jumping games like ‘hopscotch’.
Creative Development & knowledge and Understanding
In our enhanced provision the children the children have offered what they would like to learn about the frog lifecycle and suggested some activities they would like to do in our weekly Pupil Voice session. The children suggested making jelly to make ‘frog spawn’ where adults will encourage sensory play and mark-making, they suggested writing books in the writing area about ‘frogs’. In the Small World Area, children wanted to create a ‘Pond Scene’ with different pond life too.