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Week beginning 21/1/19


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In math this week Year 1 have been continuing to focus on 1,2 and 3. However we are now thinking about subtraction rather than addition. One of our activities has involved solving word problems with the use of a 100 square. The other activity has involved making a number line and subtracting numbers by travelling in different ways (hopping, skipping, jumping etc) along the number line.


Our literacy focus remains based around Supertato and the evil pea. This week we have been using time ordering words (first, second, then, next, finally etc) to write instructions about how to catch the evil pea. We have also been writing our alternative endings to the story, using the story maps that we drew previously.


This week in our topic work we have been sketching fruit and vegetables, thinking carefully about tone and shading. In addition to this we have been making predictions. Before holding a fruit race (rolling the fruit down a ramp) the children predicted the outcome of the race, saying which fruit would come in which position and then giving reasons why they thought a certain fruit would be in first/last place.


Through the enhanced provision the children have had the opportunity to create a cage to trap the evil pea, thread the evil pea, play beth sy yn y bag?, practise number formation, fill in missing numbers, help Supertato put muddled sentences back in the correct order and create superhero fact files.
