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Week Beginning 25th March 2019

This week pupils will be finding out about the Welsh designer Laura Ashley. They will have opportunities to study her work, sketch some patterns and create their own section of wallpaper using a printing technique. Please come and visit us on Friday when you can help lend a hand in the creative process!

We will also be using Google classrooms to collaboratively work on a piece of work simultaneously!! Both pupils and staff are very excited. Our ICT skills are going from strength to strength. 

As well as developing our catching and throwing skills we will also be taking time to develop our reasoning skills. Pupils will be starting to have a go at test style questions in preparation for the end of year tests that will take place in May. 



Week beginning 11th March 2019

Pupils will be taking part in lots of science activities this week. they will be measuring, investigating and exploring a variety of things. There is a focus on health and well being. We are talking about medicine and how to stay clean to stop germs being passed on. 

Pupils will also be writing letters to say 'Thank You' to our wonderful kerbcraft volunteers - without you we would not be able to take part in this initiative.

It is Red Nose day on Friday 15th March - we will be holding a dance-a-thon in the school hall and there  will be a cake sale after school.


