Here are all the competition tasks for our Eisteddfod:
Individual recital of a poem:
This competition is open to the entire year group. It is the children's choice if they wish to enter or not. They will need to know the entire poem and recite it with expression.
The preliminary round will be on 28th February.
Beware the Welsh dragon,
He huffs and he puffs,
And he scares all the children at night.
For the tales of his antics
They trip off the tongue,
Of the elders who have to be right.
He rattles and roars, and wants to come in,
And sit by the fire with your Ma.
He shrieks and he squeals, makes a terrible din,
‘Til you shake in your slippers with fright.
But then comes the morning so sunny and happy,
And the terrors have passed with the light.
And whatever will happen today or the next,
The elders have always it right.
They say come on Joey, or Megan or Ruth,
He only comes out when it's dark.
So as long as you're snug
In your beds fast asleep,
The dragon can't hurt you- that's truth.
Group Song:
The group song and recital will be practised in school. All children will be involved, please help them with the words.
Croeso nôl, Sir Harri Morgan
Croeso nôl, Sir Harri Morgan
Croeso nôl, Sir Harri Morgan
Croeso nôl i’r ynys.
Nawr mae pawb yn cael sbort ar yr ynys,
Nawr mae pawb yn cael sbort ar yr ynys,
Nawr mae pawb yn cael sbort ar yr ynys,
Sbort fawr yn Jamaica
Pwy ydy’r capten newydd?
Pwy ydy’r capten newydd?
Pwy ydy’r capten newydd?
Wel, Syr Harri Morgan.
Nawr mae pawb yn cael sbort ar yr ynys,
Nawr mae pawb yn cael sbort ar yr ynys,
Nawr mae pawb yn cael sbort ar yr ynys,
Sbort fawr yn Jamaica
Cyd adrodd (group recital)
Jam a jeli,
Ham a bisgedi.
Pâst samon, crystiau,
Diod lemon, cacennau
A brechdanau, brechdanau, brechdanau.
Hufen a mefus,
Teisen felys, felys,
Dolpiau o gwstard,
Llyfiadau o fwstard
A brechdanau, brechdanau, brechdanau.
O, Mam, rydw i’n sâl.
The Art and Presentation competitions are to be completed at home. The closing date for both of these competitions is the 28th February.
Create a welsh love spoon. This can be done as a picture, sculpture, model, painting or any other way your child wishes to make it!
Write out the Welsh National Anthem on a single page of A4 paper and decorate it. The focus of this task is on handwriting, artistic ideas, design, interest, effort and neatness.
Pob lwc pawb!