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Year 1 Archives: 2017-2018

A very warm welcome to the Year 1 class page!


Year 1 staff team


Class Teacher: Mrs J Bailey, Mr H Jones


Teaching Assistants:  Miss H Howden, Miss H Cleal


Inclusion Team Teaching Assistants: Ms M Stokes, Ms A Sinclair, Mrs K Davey,

 Miss K Beverstock, Mr D Davies




General Class Information 




Our context for learning overviews


We teach through half term or termly contexts for learning and will keep you updated on what exciting experiences we have got planned each week. Please see below for an overview of our context for learning which will give you an idea of what exciting experiences the children may have during the context. 

Weekly learning experiences


Please check this section regularly to see what learning experiences are being offered to the children each week.


Week Commencing:16/6/18


Year 2 parents meeting is on Monday afternoon at 1pm 


Thank you for all your help and support this year for all the different activities and events we have done in Year 1 and within the school, it is much appreciated smiley

The children had a lovely teddy bears picnic!


Keep an eye out for the summer holiday homework that will be given out this week.


Also any library books and reading books need to be returned to school if they haven't already been collected in. 



The children have been Bench marked and starting in September they will bring home their new level book to start reading. 

If your child is still learning their set words they will be given the full list of words to practise reading over the summer holidays. 

If your child is spelling the words they wont have the full list of words sent home. 

We will be collecting all reading books and yellow reading books in next week W/B 9th July

The last week W/B 16th July the list of set words will be sent home. 

Key Words

There are 3 stages to the children learning their key words these are:

Stage 1 - They learn to read and recogise the words.

Stage 2 -  They learn to spell the words.

Stage 3 - The children will be given a book so they can put these words into sentences 




Due to the hotter weather please can you ensure that your child has a labeled water bottle and a hat with them everyday!

Show and Tell

Everybody loves to tell a story or share some news! In order to make sure everyone has an opportunity to speak, we have decided that we will focus on one group per week. Children can bring in something small that is important to them or just tell us about something lovely they have done over the weekend. It is not meant to put pressure on anyone but is a chance for children to speak in front of an audience.


Week Beginning 30th April -Group 5

Week Beginning 7th May - Group 4

Week Beginning 14th May - Group 3

Week Beginning 21st May - Group 2

Week Beginning 4th June - Group 1 


Week Beginning 11th June - Group 5

Week Beginning 18th June - Group 4

Week Beginning 25th June - Group 3

Week Beginning 2nd July - Group 2

Week Beginning 9th July - Group 1 

Dates for your diary!

4th June - Return to school

11th June - Inset Day

12th June - Photo Day

26th June - Year 1A trip

16th July - Year 1/2 Parents meeting

17th July - Reports sent out

20th July - Sports  day

23rd July - Move up day

24th July - Finish for Summer 








Year 1 Archives
