Welcome back!
In math this week we have been focusing on addition. We have been using a range of different resources, including bead strings, number lines, 100 squares, cubes and our fingers to help us. We have been looking at adding three numbers and writing corresponding number sentences.
In our literacy work we have been learning a poem 'The Sound Collector'. Firstly we practised the poem, using actions to help us retain it and performed it to each other. We then drew story maps of the poem, with pictures and arrows. Next we innovated the poem, changing it to 'The Weather Collector' in relation to our new topic 'Splendid Skies', following the same format and style as the original.
Our focus this week in topic has been birds. At the beginning of the week we were bird watching in the playground and recording which birds we spotted. Later in the week we worked in small groups to design and make a bird feeder, which we then located in the playground, in the hope of encouraging more birds.
The enhanced provision this week has provided opportunities to make clouds/ raindrops, write about the holidays, play a matching clothes-weather game, make paper aeroplanes, write weather reports and role play in the observatory.