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Spring Term 2

This half term in Year 4 we will be learning all about the Romans.

We will be introducing the topic by creating a time line, ordering events of the Roman invasion of Wales. The children will then have the opportunity to write their own 'Battle cry' speeches, which they will then perform and record, using the green screen on the ipad, showing that they are developing the ability to be 'Ambitious, Capable Learners'. Further Literacy work will entail writing a non-chronological report, a diary entry and creating a character description.

As well as this the children will be designing and making their own Roman shields. Through the expressive arts they will have further opportunities to design and make a piece of either Roman jewellery, mosaics or pottery.

Our PE lessons will include taking part in a range of invasion games and practicing a number of Roman battle formations, helping the children to become 'Healthy, Confident Individuals'.

In addition to this we will also be researching a number of Roman inventions, creating a mini presentation about the Roman army, looking at Roman forts and making a model aqueduct.

Numeracy work this half term will focus on ordering, comparing, multiplying and dividing decimal numbers, using written methods to add and subtract 4 digit numbers, telling the time on a 24 hour clock, as well as using am and pm correctly and working out time intervals, calculating perimeters and finding missing lengths and solving a variety of word problems. In relation to our topic the children will also be solving problems with Roman numerals.
