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Meet the Governors

Please scroll down to meet our governors.


Governors work with the Headteacher to manage the school budget and premises, appoint staff, help the school to set strategic priorities, and to review admissions, attendance and exclusions. The Governing Body plays an important role in monitoring the school’s progress and helping to set targets to ensure the school provides an excellent learning environment for all the children. Governors also play an important role in ensuring the school has robust policies and practices in place for safeguarding children, and that the school is a safe place to work, learn and play. 


The Governing Body includes parents (nominated and elected by parents of the school), teachers and school staff representatives, governors appointed by the local education authority and community governors (co-opted because they have links, skills or expertise that will benefit the school).


The Governing Body of Pontprennau Primary School brings together individuals with a diverse range of skills and experiences to support the School in achieving its aims and objectives. The Governing Body shares a common goal to see the School achieve excellence; providing the children with the very best school life along with a first class facility for the community of Pontprennau.


Once a year, the Governing Body will send a formal written report to parents.


Our team consists of:

Joanne Nicholas (Chair of Governors and Local Authority governor)

I have been a governor at Pontprennau Primary School since the school opened. Initially as a parent governor and then latterly as a local authority governor and Chair of Governors. In this time, I've been fortunate to see the school grow and develop. I'm really proud of what the school has come to be and we are all committed for the school to be a beacon of excellence, and a place that unites the entire community.


I’ve lived in Pontprennau for many years and am delighted to be able to support the school. I have a love of sport and enjoy spending family time outdoors and being active. In my day job I am an Assistant Director at a public sector organisation. I bring leadership and governance experience, and was formerly Head of Corporate Governance for another public sector organisation. I hope I am able to use these skills to lead the School's Governing Body as strong governance is the foundation of high performing organisation.


This is an exciting, and vitally important, time for our children and for the community of Pontprennau. As well as providing our children with the very best education and opportunities I'm confident that the School will become the common uniting factor that will give a real sense of community for the area.

Denver Davies (Parent Governor)


I’m a parent governor and have been on the governing body since 2019. I have worked in the education sector throughout my career, mostly in qualifications awarding and regulation. I currently work for the qualifications regulator in Wales and am responsible for monitoring and compliance activities including dealing with complaints from learners and schools and responding to incidents that happen during the exam series. I enjoy working with the school staff and governors to help Pontprennau Primary School continue to grow and develop. I Chair the Curriculum and Standards sub-committee.


I’m a parent governor and have been on the governing body since 2019. I have worked in the education sector throughout my career, mostly in qualifications awarding and regulation. I currently work for the qualifications regulator in Wales and am responsible for monitoring and compliance activities including dealing with complaints from learners and schools and responding to incidents that happen during the exam series. I enjoy working with the school staff and governors to help Pontprennau Primary School continue to grow and develop.  I Chair the Curriculum and Standards sub-committee.

Kirsty O'Brien (Staff governor)

I'm very excited to be appointed as staff governor as I feel being part of the inclusion team at Pontprennau and working with the children everyday, I really care about the opportunities that are offered to the children at Pontprennau to give them the best start in life. I feel that being part of the governing body will allow me to speak on behalf of the children and say what I feel is best for them.


I've always been interested in working with children and completed my studies at university to go on to working in private day nurseries and schools. I've been a teaching assistant in every class within a primary school setting, have covered classes and have managed a nursery class for a year, so I feel I have a wide variety of experiences with children and feel I know what could help them progress in life throughout primary school.


I'm looking forward to contributing to the governing body of Pontprennau as there's nothing more I'd like to see than this school, community and these children succeeding.

John Morley (LA Governor)

I am a Local Authority Governors for Pontprennau Primary School.  I have grandchildren at Pontprennau School, and this has spurred me on as a governor to ensure the children get the maximum they can out of our school.  Our children are our future, and everyone should be working to ensure that the education they receive is first class.


I have an old MSc in Computer Science (19960 and this helps me as one of the link governors looking at the Information Technology aspects of the school and the new curriculum.


I chair the schools Health and Safety committee and also the pupil and staff Wellbeing committee and am more than willing to discuss any aspects of these and the school parents.


My ambition is to make Pontprennau School the best in the authority and ensure that the next generation achieve all they can in a safe and happy school environment. I will work with the other Governors and of course the School Staff to ensure that this happens.

Suzannah Edmondson (LA Governor)

I am thrilled to have been appointed as a Local Authority Representative on the Board of Governors at Pontprennau Primary School.


I currently work as an Assistant Headteacher in a new all-through school, with the responsibility of Years 5 to Year 8. I have previously spent three years as a community representative on the Board of Governors at Tonyrefail Primary School, gaining an understanding across all sectors of education.


I am keen to support Pontprennau Primary school to continue its journey and raise standards, providing support and challenge where necessary.

Ceri Thomas (Parent Governor)

I have been on the Governing body since 2019 and I am so proud of how much the school has grown and developed over the last few years. I consider it an absolute privilege to be able to witness, and be part of, so much of the ‘behind the scenes’ work which goes towards making Pontprennau the beacon of excellence it is striving to be.  


I have 4 children and I have been a teacher at another Cardiff primary school for 15 years. During this time I have gained experience in governance, safeguarding, wellbeing, additional learning needs and mentoring.  


Children’s experiences in early education are exceptionally important and I am delighted to be able to support the school in providing the very best education where every child is given opportunities to succeed at every level.  

Charlotte Morgan (Parent Governor)


I have been living in Pontprennau for nearly 15 years and currently have a child at the school. I consider it to be an honour to be a Parent Governor at Pontprennau Primary School and to be a part of helping the school fulfil their vision of becoming a beacon of excellence. I have been teaching in secondary schools for over 15 years and have experience of leading and developing literacy across the curriculum.


Currently, I teach English across all year groups at in a large secondary school in Cardiff. In particular, this has allowed me to support the development of literacy in the school since joining the Governing Body. My background in education has helped give me knowledge and experience to help support school improvement and it is vitally important to me that the school achieves excellence in order offer all our children the opportunity to succeed.

Ellie Campbell (Teacher governor)


During my time working at Pontprennau Primary school, I have become keen to work with and be as involved as possible with the wider community.


My role as a teacher Governor has given me the opportunity to do this. I thoroughly enjoy working at Pontprennau and am profoundly dedicated to supporting pupils, staff and parents within our community.


I have worked at the school for a couple of years, across different year groups and I have had the pleasure to get to know most children within our school well. I am involved with various aspects of school life, including the Expressive Arts Team, leading the ‘Well-being Warriors’ pupil group and Taekwondo after-school club.


I love being a part of whole school events, as well as organising whole school competitions which the children have been completely enthused by. I am passionate about providing children with purposeful, authentic and motivating learning experiences that will help to instill passion and pride in themselves.


I am looking forward to continuing my teaching journey in Pontprennau Primary and being a part of this amazing team!

Louie Taylor (Teacher governor)


I am thrilled to serve as a teacher governor at Pontprennau Primary!


Since joining the school in 2017, I have embraced a variety of roles, from being a 1:1 Learning Support Assistant to a general LSA, a breakfast club supervisor, a relief estate manager, and, most importantly, a class teacher.


Each of these experiences has enriched my understanding of our school community and deepened my commitment to our pupils, staff, and parents. Living within the community further fuels my passion for making a positive impact and fostering a supportive atmosphere for everyone involved.


Currently, I’m part of the progression step 2 teaching staff and proud to be involved with the Science and Technology Area of Learning and Experience (AoLE) team.

Teaching is not just a job for me; it's a genuine passion! I always strive to create meaningful and authentic learning experiences that are both fun and engaging for our pupils.


I am wholeheartedly dedicated to supporting Pontprennau Primary in all our endeavours and I am excited about what the future holds as part of this amazing team!

Annual Report to Parents 2019 - 2020

Annual Report to Parents 2016-17
