2B - This week in maths we are multiplying using 2, 5 and 10. We are looking and groups of items and how many sets. We are then applying this to different circumstances.
2A - We are looking at money and adding together different coins and notes. We are starting to record our work using decimal notation.
We are also interpreting and classifying data from graphs and timetables
In our literacy we are writing fact files about the Titanic.
Our weekly challenges include creating road safety posters on Hwb, following completion of our Kerbkraft initiative. The children will be enjoying the bird hide, identifying and classifying garden birds. Our chicks have now hatched and the children are now learning how to care for them and investigating their life cycle.
In welsh we are focussing on the question wyt ti'n hoffi? and responding using ydw / nac ydw.