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WB 03/05/2021

Monday 3rd May

Bank Holiday 


Tuesday 4th May

Task 1 - Literacy (Write a descriptive scene setting)

Task 2 - Maths (Read and mark coordinates)


Wednesday 5th May

Task 1 - Literacy (Plan a story)

Task 2 - Maths (Translate coordinates)


Thursday 6th May

Task 1 - Literacy (Write a descriptive opening)

Task 2 - Maths (Translate coordinates)


Friday 7th May

Task 1 - Literacy (Write an exciting problem)

Task 2 - Maths (Reflect coordinates)


Please access the Power points for these lessons on Google Classrooms.


Context Activity

Task - Context - Howard Cater interview questions; Context - Write a quiz about the Pharaohs topic; Cymraeg - Write a simple questionnaire.
