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Week beginning 9/9/19

Welcome back. It is great to see all the children back safe, well and ready to start another school year.


Our half termly topic in Year 4 is The Blue Abyss. Our class book will be 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.


In literacy this week we have been looking at poetry and the use of personification. We initially read the poem 'The Sea' by James Reeves before the children created their own poems, using personification for different sea creatures.


Our numeracy focus has been on place value. We have been looking at how the position of a digit within a number affects it's value. We then moved on to ordering four digit numbers. Please look out for any large numbers you may see whilst out and about and see if you can read them.


This week our topic work has involved looking at world maps and labelling the continents and oceans. We have also been learning about the 5 layers of the ocean as well as classifying sea creatures into different groups.


In PE we are starting to learn the skills and techniques needed for tag rugby.


We will keep you updated each week about what we are learning in Year 4 so that you have the opportunity to discuss your child's learning with them.
