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Week beginning: Monday 28th January


Quick Write:

This week we have been learning how to use, “First word last sentences”. Start with a key word, expand upon that key word, then repeat the same key word at the end of the sentence. Examples: Brilliant, the whole day was brilliant. Freezing cold, today the weather is freezing cold!



The first half of the week, the children have written their final drafts of their non-chronological reports. Both classes have been peer assessing their classmate’s work and giving them two stars and a wish (two positive things about their writing and one thing to work on). Now we have watched a short video called, “Pigeon Impossible” which has been the inspiration forsome spy writing. The children have watched the video and will innovate and change the mission they saw and rewrite it in their own way. We will continue this next week.



We have been learning about fractions. The children have been learning to identify fractions like 1/2, ¼ and 1/3. They have started to identify and recognise equivalent fractions, for example 2/4 is the same as ½. They have also been learning how to find specific fractions of amounts. For example: 6/10 of 30. First divide 30 by the denominator 10 and then multiply that answer by the numerator 6. 30÷10=3 3x6=18


Week beginning: Monday 21st January


Quick Write:

This week we have been learning how to use a new sentence type, “Name – adjective pair – sentences”. Here are some examples: Little Tim – happy and generous – was always fun to be around. Mr White – grumpy and sad – smelt like old cabbage.



Last week, we created imaginary animals to be the topic of our non-chronological writing. The children described their animal and labelled it with different descriptions, using alliteration and similes. This week we have started to write the non-chronological reports. The children have been using subtitles and have been writing in a formal way as if it is a non-fiction information text. They have all written the introduction and began to write other sections titled: What does it look like? Where does it live? How does it catch its prey?



We have been learning how to use column addition. The children have practiced using two different methods of column addition: compact and expanded. Then they have chosen which method they prefer. We have emphasised how important it is to use place value correctly to make sure that every digit is in the correct column. Majority of children have progressed to carrying units, tens or hundreds over to the next column when the amount exceeds 10.


Week beginning: Monday 14th January


Quick Write:

Every day we start the day focusing on a specific sentence type and practice writing in this style. This week, we have been learning about front adverbial sentences. This means you start a sentence with an adverb. For example: Brightly, the moon shimmered on the river. 



We have been learning about non-chronological reports and the features in them. A non-chronological report a piece of writing that is not in time order. We have been practicing how to describe imaginary creatures and ask questions about them, which will help us when we start to write our own non-chronological report.



This week we have been learning how to place 3-digit numbers on a number line, ordering 3-digit numbers and finding a number in between, using place value to solve addition and subtraction problems, multiplying and dividing by 10 and looking at number patterns when counting in steps of 10, 50 and 100.  


Week beginning: Monday 7th January


Quick Write:

Every day we start the day focusing on a specific sentence type and practice writing in this style. This week, we have been learning how to use list sentences and BOBS sentences.

List sentences have no less than 3 and no more than 4 adjectives before a noun. It can be made very dramatic with alliteration. Example: It was a cold, wet, miserable and misty morning today.

BOBS is a two-part sentence – first part ends with a comma and the second part begins with BOBS. (No comma before because). Example: She ran down the road, because a man was chasing her. He wept buckets, so he had to blow his nose.



We have been learning how to write a recount about our holiday. We started by planning our recount using a story map and then we have written our first draft and started to edit and improve it. We have been trying to use: time connections, adverbs, 2a sentences, alliteration, similes and correct punctuation in our writing.



We have been learning about fractions for part of the week. We focused on learning how to find fractions of objects and then finding fractions of numbers using our times table knowledge to help us. We have also been making sure that everybody uses the correct terminology: denominator and numerator. In addition, we have been practicing our measuring skills and have been measuring and drawing lengths in cm and mm