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WB 30/11/20


Monday 30th November


Task 1 - Reading Comprehension:

Log onto Hwb and find the reading comprehension activity in the shared files.

Choose between the 1, 2 or 3 star level of challenge.

3 stars is the hardest challenge (pupils in the purple GGR group should try the 3 star activity)!


Don't forget to check your answers carefully against the mark scheme!


Task 2 - Maths:

Here's Miss Cleal to introduce the task ...


Maths Introduction

Still image for this video
Next, please watch this video to see how to complete the activity ... 

Maths Activity

Still image for this video

Tuesday 1st December


Task 1 - Writing:

In Art, we will be studying the work of Picasso! We would like you to choose one of the following pictures by Picasso and tell us what you like and dislike about the piece of artwork. Also, what do you think Picasso should keep the same or change? What would you do differently if you were to make a similar piece of art to the one you have chosen? 

Please see the example in the Shared Files on Hwb! 

Task 2 - Maths:

For the rest of this week in Maths, we are going to be looking at Rounding. We use rounding a lot in everyday life, for things such as estimating or adding lots of big numbers together!


Today our focus will be on Rounding to the Nearest 10.

We have attached some videos that should hopefully help you with this, so watch them both before you start the activities. 


All you need to really remember is the magic rule: If the number ends in 0,1,2,3 or 4 then you round down. If the number is 5,6,7,8 or 9 then you round up.


Have a go at the activities shared with you on Hwb. 

The first is called 'Rounding to nearest 10 Activity'. For this you only have to answer one page from either the 1 star (pg1), 2 stars (pg2) or 3 stars (pg3) activity (ranked in terms of difficulty). 

The second is labelled 'Rocket Rounding to 10'With this one you can use the pen tool to draw a circle around the correct answer. 


Remember to use the videos to help you! Let us know if you need any help.,digit%20in%20356%20is%206.

Don't forget to check your answers carefully against the mark scheme!

Wednesday 2nd December

Task 1 - Literacy:

We are learning about idioms! They are a piece of cake!


You will need to find 10 idioms and their meaning. It is up to you how you record your answers. Perhaps you could use Just2easy or make a poster on paper! 

Here's some examples ...

Task 2 - Maths:

Today we will carry on looking at rounding but this time rounding to the nearest 100. 

It is pretty similar to rounding to the nearest 10 as you need to still use the magic rule: If the number is 0,1,2,3 or 4 then you round down. If the number is 5,6,7,8 or 9 then you round up.


There are some videos to watch again today before you start that will help you with the activities. You can also re-watch the BBC Bitesize video from yesterday if you found that useful!


The activities have been shared with you again on Hwb. 

Activity 1 is labelled 'Rounding to the nearest 100', remember there are 2 pages to complete for this one!


Activity 2 is labelled 'Rounding word problems'. This activity is split into problems rounding to the nearest 10 and problems rounding to the nearest 100, so use what you have learnt from today and yesterday to help you. 

There are 3 pages but you only have to do page 1 and page 2. Page 3 is an optional challenge! 


Please remember to watch the videos as they will help you with the work. Remember we are here, ready to help if you need us!



Don't forget to check your answers carefully against the mark scheme!

Thursday 3rd December

Task 1 - Literacy:

Today, you will need to read the letter (in Shared Files) and see how many idioms you can spot in the text!   You should highlight or underline as many as you can!     I wonder how many you will find ...



Task 2 - Maths:

Today we are moving on to rounding to the nearest 1,000! 

Even today you need to remember to use the magic rule:  If the number is 0,1,2,3 or 4 then you round down. If the number is 5,6,7,8 or 9 then you round up.


Watch the video to help you with today's activity. 

Top Tip: Just like every other day this week, underline or think about the place you are rounding to (1000) and look at the number to the right of it to know whether to round up or down!. 


Activities for today will be shared on the Hwb. 

Today's activity is labelled 'Rounding to the nearest 1000'. For this, you only have to answer one page from either the 1 star (pg1), 2 stars (pg2) or 3 stars (pg3) activity (ranked in terms of difficulty). 


The second activity being shared with you is an optional extra (you don't have to do it if you don't want to). 

It is labelled 'Rounding to the nearest 1000 colouring'. You can try and do this colouring on j2e5 if you're good at working out how to use it! Or, if you're lucky enough to have a printer at home and you ask your parents, then you can print it and colour it in by hand. 


We will try and print this activity when we go back to school so if you can't print it and don't know how to colour it on the computer then don't worry you will get a chance to do it when we're back!


Have fun rounding! Remember you can email the school to contact us if you have any questions or you can chat to us through the speech bubbles on Hwb!


Don't forget to check your answers carefully against the mark scheme!

Friday 4th December
Task 1 - Spelling & Grammar


1. Recap previous spellings (ight) - 

height,        weight,        might,        slight,        delight,        fright,       mighty,        lightning,        eighteen,        eighty


2. Recap last week's spellings (contractions) - 

I have -> I've,         I would -> I'd,        they are -> they're,        were not -> weren't,        have not -> haven't,        would not -> wouldn't,         he will -> he'll,        she will -> she'll


3. Learn new spellings (-ly words) - 

finally,        weekly,        happily,        angrily,         actually,        especially,        basically,        dramatically,        carefully,        personally


4. Spelling activity - can you fill in the blanks, in the sentences (using the -ly words from the spelling list).



Connectives make our writing more fluent. You can use a connective to join two short sentences together to make one long sentence.


We will be focussing on these connectives - 

if,       so,        while,        though,        since,       when,       whereas,        therefore

Use the picture on the PowerPoint to help you think of some ideas. Write sentences using the connectives list. The more interesting, the better! 


You can record your sentences on Just2easy or on paper.

Task 2 - Maths:

Today, we will be using our learning from this week to create emoji pictures!


Choose from the following ...

1 star activity = rounding to the nearest 10

2 star activity = rounding to the nearest 100

3 star activity = rounding decimals to the nearest whole number.


You could print the picture (if you have a printer) or use the colour tool on Just2easy! You will find the activity in the Shared Files!


Good luck!



We are looking forward to seeing you on all Monday!
