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Week Beginning 25th June

Week starting: 25/06/2018


We follow Cornerstones curriculum content to follow a project each term. Our context for Learning this term is called 'Who lives in a rock pool?'


Which creatures live on the seashore? Why do crabs have shells? The children will get to explore these questions and more in thus project about the seashore and the plants and animals that live there.

For example; 

  • seashore plants and animals
  • pollution
  • features of the seashore
  • water safety
  • properties of natural materials
  • art using found materials


This week we will have 2 focus activities; one in literacy which will include the children going on an alphabet hunt within our outdoor area where they will then match upper to lower case letters and practise forming the letters. The other focus will be within the Maths area where the children will be learning halves of numbers.


Another Maths activity that we have introduced last week and will continue applying is  learning the days, months and years through a whiteboard calendar.


Have your children been talking about lighthouses at home? We have decided to make a circuit this week so our lighthouse has a light!


Our daily carpet sessions will include; Phonics, Literacy, CLIC (Maths) and Welsh. During the week the children will also have opportunities to participate in Music, I.T, Cookery, Gardening, PE and Library sessions. Once a week we run a carousel whereby the children all engage with Guided Group Reading and also experience other activities including Dough Disco and Digit Dancing, a variety of activities to develop their fine and gross motor skills, story time and Write Dance.


On Fridays, we are happy that Miss Peate has started Forest School and the children will rotate so they get the experience.  




