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W/B 20th May

The children are really enjoying our topic 'Paws, Claws and Whiskers' and had some very special visitors last week. Mrs Bailey's rabbits spent the day in the classroom and a bearded dragon called Mildred popped in to say 'Hello' on Friday. 

This week we will continue to work on our fact files in Literacy. Pupils will be inserting pictures and text using the Popplet app to create captions. We will be sorting sentences into fact, fiction and opinion and working in groups to solve a puzzle.

In topic, pupils will be making habitats for their pebble pets they made last week. These pebble pets are based on the Alfie outdoor story 'Bonting'. 

In Maths we will be collecting data about pets and measuring paw prints. 

As we are working outside a lot this term, please make sure your child brings a coat in if the weather looks cold and if it is sunny please apply sun cream before school. 

Thank you for your continued support and I wish you all a happy half term. 


W/B 13th May 

On Monday the children will be completing the Reasoning test as part of the end of year Welsh Government tests. We are all very proud of the positive, have a go attitude they have and we are sure all pupils will try their very best once again

The children will continue to spend some of their learning time outdoors and will be hunting for natural resources to help camouflage their imaginary pet we are going to make. Watch this space...

In Maths there will be some sorting and classifying happening and iPads will be used to collate the data. 

In literacy we will be making a fact file about various animals. There may even be a surprise visit on Tuesday!


W/B 6th May 

On Wednesday 8th May pupils will be sitting the Reading Test. Please ensure your child is in school on time this day as we will be starting promptly. As part of the technology curriculum we will be creating our own animations and pupils will be writing a play script to go with this. We look forward to seeing the final product.

We are very lucky to be having a visit from the RSPB on Friday and pupil will be working in the outdoor environment looking at different habitats, animals and insects. 

